Friday, April 13, 2012

What's in a Doula's Bag?

Last month, World Doula Week was celebrated March 22-28. These humble birth attendants certainly deserve their own week, probably their own month. A kindred sister to the midwife, a doula provides physical and emotional support to a laboring mother and her partner. She plays an important part in the births she attends, reducing incidences of c-section and epidural use while increasing breastfeeding initiation and overall birth satisfaction. If you aren't at all familiar with what a doula is and what they do, be sure to check out THIS ARTICLE.  

When a fellow blogger asked me if I had an item similar to the Midwife kit that she could give as a gift to her doula, I thought a felt playset would be a fantastic idea. In addition to a fun appreciation gift, I think this set would help a child conceptualize the tools a doula would use at a new sibling's birth. Here are my felt doula tricks-of-the-trade, developed with suggestions from the Mama's Felt Cafe Facebook community:

Of course we need a bag to carry all our birthy goodies in. I chose a tote style bag so that it would be easy to grab for the on-the-go doula. 

First up for items are a fan and a purple rice tube. No matter what time of year you are giving birth, laboring is well, labor. I remember feeling alternatingly too cold and too hot while I was having Asher. A fan helps keep a mama cool while she is working oh so hard. The rice tube is filled with real rice and although I would not suggest heating the felt, a real rice sock can be warmed and provide relief to achy muscles. It's also provides a fun texture to play with. 

Next comes the granola bar, this one is cranberry oatmeal flavor. This item could be for the mama or the doula. During long labors, both the mom and her support team need to make sure they feed to hunger and drink to thirst. We know there is no reason to deny a birthing woman food and labor can even be stalled if the mother is hungry and uncomfortable. Many doulas make sure to carry some healthy snacks with them to births.

I also included two starlight peppermints in the kit. One is for the mother, to help ward off any labor induced nausea. The second is for the doula, so she will have sweet breath while working with the mother. Smells seem heightened during labor and anyone who has breathed coffee or onion breath on a birthing mama has probably been shown the door!

Last was a bottle of lavender essential oil, complete with removable cap. Many find the scent of lavender calming and relaxing. It can also be mixed to be used as a massage oil and rubbed on the mother if she likes. If you happen to be a doula (or just a person of interest) you can win a (non-felt) doTERRA Essential Oils kit from The Black Sheep Princess and Essential Oils for Family Wellness. The kit contains lavender, peppermint and lemon oil plus a list of suggested uses. Enter to win HERE.

Based off a logo by Everyday Miracle Doula Services

So there you have it, all the tricks in my doula bag. Did you have a doula at your birth? Would you consider a doula for your next birth?

Happy Felting!



  1. I gave the doula kit to my doula last night at our last prenatal meeting, and she loved it - no surprise ;-) She said she would like to share your info with all of her doula friends. <3

  2. I've just seen my logo felted!! Wow!! I love it! Lisa Everyday Miracle Doula :-)

  3. I've just seen your felted version of my logo!! Wow! It looks so sweet!

    Lisa aka Everyday Miracle Doula :-)


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