The Ingredients:
-two pieces of burgandyish felt for the top and bottom of each beet
-one leafy top for each beet
-Embroidery Floss to match
-stuffing for each beet
The Recipe:
Starting with our leafy greens, make running stitch "veins" though your green piece. I used the beet colored thread because real beets have veins about that same color.
Continue until all your leaves are veiny.
Roll up the bottom of the leafy piece so that you have a stem.
Stitch up the stem so it is secured together.
Next, whip stitch the two pieces of beet together, leaving the top open.
Add stuffing to the beet.
Once your beet is stuffed, do a running stitch around the top edge,
Add your stem to the top, and pull the running stitches tight.
Knot off the running stitch and then sew stitches around to really secure the stem to the beet.
And there you have a completed beet! Good enough to have come from Schrute Farms ;-)
Happy Felt Fooding!
I don't watch the Office, but I do love those beets! Will you start making PDF's of these patterns or should we attempt to freehand? (and by "we" I mean someone else because I'll just buy my felt food toys from you)